Re: OBJECT and map

Jason White <jasonw@ariel.ucs.unimelb.EDU.AU> wrote:
> On Sat, 16 Aug 1997, Al Gilman wrote:
> It would be of interest to know how such an approach would operate
> concretely to overcome accessibility problems. Taking Daniel's example of
> a description which is to be displayed as an alternative to an image map,
> with the link to each map area being incorporated directly into the
> description, how would such functionality be reproduced using a metadata
> approach?
> >From what Al has said, it is evident that metadata may have considerable
> advantages in reducing the effort required of authors in preparing
> accessible documents. Perhaps this is a convenient opportunity to consider
> how such a solution would be implemented.

I big and interesting question though is:
who is expected to prepare the metadata. It is always the
information provider who is and will stay responsible for:
- the accesability of his information
- the contents of the information
- updates (including removing of old data).

Metadata can only be used as a "linking" mechanism to be able
to locate requested data.
Best regards,

Message from: Jaap van Lelieveld      The Netherlands
              Chairman of EBU commission on Technical Devices and Services

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Received on Friday, 29 August 1997 20:38:59 UTC