Re: forms that work with screen readers

> In fall of 1995, Dave Ragget and I worked on a set of extensions to
> the then proposed HTML 3 to improve the performance of HTML forms
> with speech interfaces.  HTML of today fails rather dramatically at
> providing semantic or syntactic information about a form -- even
> more so than Graphical Interfaces like Windows; for instance,
> consider the fact that HTML markup of today has no provision for any
> kind of association between an input field and its associated label.

I assume by "HTML of today" you mean 3.2 or any variant that exists on
the market.

True, but Dave has not been in rest for the past 2 years :-) and he
told me recently that most of your past work on FORM has fed into the
Cougar spec, albeit with some pain in convincing some of the working
group members (with the WAI in place, one could expect that this
shouldn't be that hard in the future: we have a common voice now).

Anyway, in cougar

Label -> LABEL
Grouping -> FIELDSET

Received on Thursday, 12 June 1997 03:33:40 UTC