Re: Specific proposal on language identification

> Thank you for clarification of the language issue. May I suggest that when
> defining style guidelines for the accessibility of HTML documents, that
> proper use of the lang attribute be included as a requirement? Also, web
> page developers should try to avoid cases in which a language change
> occurs within a paragraph without any surrounding markup; thus, text in
> the new language should always be distinguished by emphasis, a block
> quotation etc. wherever possible, so that the lang attribute can be
> specified.

Actually, there is a <SPAN> and a <DIV> element in Cougar providing
just that, so there's no need to emphase of blockquote articifially
(not sure these 2 elements are new in Cougar, I think so). They both
supports establishing markup context, adding structure to the document
if you want.

<P>Hello, you know <SPAN LANG=fr> je suis francais </SPAN> from France.

Received on Thursday, 12 June 1997 02:50:21 UTC