Re: D-tags, etc.

        Reply to:   RE>>D-tags, etc.

Al, et al.,
Let me correct the impression that the statement may incorrectly imply:
"... all users
  (vision-impaired or not) are only interested in one version of
  the data. "

What is meant is that all users want one version that works for them regardless of their needs, that people don't want multiple copies sent to them if they can get one that truly works.  Of course this may mean that multiple versions and alternates are available and that users would like to know about these versions, but ultimately just want the one that works for them.

Still disagree?

- Larry

Date: 5/27/97 4:28 PM
To: Larry Goldberg
From: Al Gilman
My text for this message:

  From: "Larry Goldberg" <>
                                         ... all users
  (vision-impaired or not) are only interested in one version of
  the data. 

[Al, here...]

Not many of our users would agree with that.  If there are
alternatives, our users want to know that the alternatives exist,
and control the selection of alternatives, including going back
for more or different data if the rules applied at the server
didn't work well.

Yes, they are willing for the server to guess.  The don't want
all the data delivered at first blush.  But they want the guesses
to determine defaults, not stone walls.

We've had some heated discussions on lynx-dev over this one.

Al Gilman

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From: Al Gilman <>
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Subject: Re: D-tags, etc.
To: (Larry Goldberg)
Date: Tue, 20 May 1997 17:17:00 -0400 (EDT)
Cc: (WAI Working Group)
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