Re: Imprint

> I did not understad the word "Imprint Page"  from your message

Hello Javier

I don't pretend to understand fully what it means but
it says:

| Ink Print Page
| Braille editions of books generally include the page numbers of the
| print version so that Braille and sighted colleagues and class-mates
| may refer to a common page number.
| However, the typesetting input file will not include those page
| numbers -- they appear only in the output stream. The <ipp> element
| has been created for insertion after the formatting process to mark
| each pagebreak. It may appear anywhere in the file and its contents
| should be the number of the page just beginning.
| Usage: The <ipp> element should be added as an inclusion at the top
| level of any document.
|     <!ELEMENT book  (frontm?, bodym, rearm?)   +(ipp) >

Maybe Mike or Murray or someone else more familiar with the ICADD DTD
can comment further. 

Received on Tuesday, 20 May 1997 09:16:08 UTC