Re: Tables Accessibility - On Topic?

  From: Harvey Bingham <>
  Subject: Tables Accessibility
  I am collecting ideas for making tables more nearly accessible. 
  This is an early task of the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) 
  of the World Wide Web Consortium. I thank you for sharing your 
  suggestions, experiences, and frustrations. The time is right 
  for us to make positive contributions.
Al, here:

I don't know how relevant people feel this is to this list, 
in particular.  If it is just a matter of people extracting
information from tables, there may be better places to talk.

On the other hand, I am currently excited about relational
programming, and I think that tables are The Central Problem
for developer access to the Future Web of indistinguishable
programs and web pages.  In fact, I think that interactive
access will subsume most of what we know as programming.
Giving people working access to what ARPA calls "the design
web" is the whole ball game for dev-access.  And I think
that examining the problems with HTML 3.2 TABLEs reveals most
of the questions we need to look at to win that ball game.

Please accept this as my apology for why the list is about to
receive a flurry of posts from me talking to a variety of
issues raised by Harvey's post.

Al Gilman

Received on Saturday, 3 May 1997 14:33:35 UTC