Text Customization in UAAG 2.0

Reflow Text in UAAG

1.8.x. Reflow Text: The user can specify that text content in a graphical viewport reflows so that blocks of text fit within the width of the viewport in a single column. (Level A)

Note: Reflow applies to rescaled or zoomed text.

[internal notes: 1.8.12 from the 23 August draft said: "Reflowing Zoom: The user can request that when reflowable content in a graphical viewport is rescaled..." In the 16 September draft, the important aspect of zoom got lost -- although it is good to be more broad that text should be reflowable whether or not zoomed, I think it would be good to note that it especially applies to rescaled/zoomed content. Also "Reduce Horizontal Scrolling" does not cover reflowing from multiple columns to a single column, which is a primarily use for reflow. The importance of not having to scroll horizontally OR from the bottom of one column to the top of the next column is addressed at http://www.tader.info/scrolling.html ]

Reflow Text in Implementing

Current text in Intent: ... Content is not easily usable if the user has to scroll back and forth to see a single line of text. ...
Suggested edit: ... Content is not easily usable if the user has to scroll back and forth horizontally to see a single line of text, or has to scroll to get from the bottom of a column to the top of the next column to read a block of text. It is especially important that users can blocks of text reflow when zoomed.

Current text in Examples: Maggie has cognitive issues that make it difficult for her to reorient when the computer screen changes. Finding and activating scrollbars, then finding the next words in the sentence requires more effort and causes Maggie to lose her orientation which degrades her reading flow and comprehension. She finds it easier to reorient after zooming when at least one dimension of the content fits within the height or width of the viewport.
Suggested edit to last sentence: Maggie has cognitive issues that make it difficult for her to reorient when the computer screen changes. Finding and activating scrollbars, then finding the next words in the sentence requires more effort and causes Maggie to lose her orientation which degrades her reading flow and comprehension. When text is reflowed so it is in one column that doesn't require horizontal scrolling or vertical scrolling to get to another column, she can read and understand it.

Additional example:

Additional related SC:

Allow Zoom in Implementing

Current text in Examples: Tanya has low vision. She opens a web application that uses small text fonts, mixed with graphical elements. She tries increasing the text size alone, but the graphical elements remain at their original sizes. She can't interpret the small graphical elements and the text flows improperly. However, when Tanya uses the zoom feature, the graphical elements are legible, and the page flows correctly.

Suggested edit: Tanya has low vision and needs large text. On web pages with only decorative graphics, she increases the text size and leaves the graphics small. However, she is using a web application with important graphics. Since she wants both the graphics and the text to be bigger, she uses the zoom page feature.

[internal note: Especially delete "She can't interpret the small graphical elements and the text flows improperly." because the text should flow properly! :-]

Allow Viewport Resize in Implementing

Current text in intent: This benefits keyboard users who may find it difficult to scroll content, and users with cognitive or learning disabilities whose understanding of the content is aided by viewing the complete image.
Suggested edit to last sentence: This benefits keyboard users who may find it difficult to scroll content, and users with cognitive or learning disabilities whose understanding of the content is aided by viewing the complete image, or by shortening the line length.

Additional example:

Glossary addition

blocks of text
more than one sentence of text

[internal note: based on WCAG definition of blocks of text]


Text Configuration in Implementing document

Implementing Guideline 1.4 - Provide text configuration

Guideline 1.4 addresses text configuration, and the success criteria specify text characteristics that users need to be able to configure.

Note: All of the success criteria under guideline 1.4 allow users to override the text characteristics specified by authors, and override user agent defaults.

The text characteristics are separated into levels based on user needs. Therefore, some text characteristics are in two success criteria — with less configuration at a higher level (A or AA), and more configuration at a lower level (AA or AAA), as explained below.

Global and element level:

The difference between global and element-level configuration is why some characteristics are in two success criteria; for example, text scale globally is Level A (1.4.1), and text scale at the element-level is Level AA (1.4.2).


For some text characteristics, the settings for configuration are at different level success criteria. For example, users need to be able to configure line spacing; however, it may be difficult for some platforms to provide granular configuration settings. Therefore, four line spacing options are at Level AA (1.4.3) and granular line spacing is at Level AAA (1.4.6). This allows platforms where such granularity would by difficult to provide basic line spacing settings at Level AA, and for other platforms to provide more line spacing settings.

Levels A, AA, AAA and user interface

In many platforms, it is technically easy to provide all of the text configuration in the success criteria of guideline 1.4, including the level AAA success criteria. However, all of the options maybe too overwhelming for many users. The levels may be useful for user agent developers in deciding which text configuration to provide in the basic user interface, and which to provide through progressive disclosure to advanced users.

Ideally, at least the level A and AA text configuration is provided through the user agent's main user interface. However, the success criteria in guideline 1.4 can be met through user stylesheets. For platforms without user stylesheets, text configuration needs to be provide to users another way.

Intent of Guideline 1.4

Some users with low vision, dyslexia, and related conditions and situations cannot read "normally-formatted" text. However, they can read text that is formatted differently, for example, with larger letters, different font, more spacing, etc. [@@ need to say more here...]

Examples of Guideline 1.4

Related Resources for Guideline 1.4

Many users who need to configure text also need to zoom, reflow, and change the viewport.

Text Configuration in UAAG doc

Guideline 1.4 - Provide text configuration

Note: All of the success criteria under guideline 1.4 allow users to override the text characteristics specified by authors, and override user agent defaults.

Summary: The user can set text scale, color, and font family globally (1.4.1, Level A); set text scale, color, and font family for elements (1.4.3, Level AA); set line spacing, character spacing, word spacing, text style, and undo full justification globally (1.4.3, Level AA); set text style, margins, and borders for elements (1.4.5, Level AAA); set line spacing, justification, capitalization, hyphenation, margins, and borders globally (1.4.6, Level AAA); and print configured and reflowed text (1.4.4 Level AA).

(Level A)

1.4.1 Configure text globally (A): The user can globally set all of the following characteristics of visually rendered text content: (Level A)

(Level AA)

1.4.2. Configure text elements (AA): The user can set all of the following characteristics of visually rendered text content for headings, main text, and other elements: (Level AA)

1.4.3. Configure text globally (AA): The user can globally set all of the following characteristics of visually rendered blocks of text: (Level AA)

1.4.4. Printing configured and reflowed text: The user can print blocks of text that is configured according to the success criteria of guideline 1.4 and/or reflowed according to success criteria 1.8.x, including text that is zoomed. (Level AA)

(Level AAA)

1.4.5 Configure text elements (AAA): The user can set all of the following characteristics of visually rendered text content for headings, main text, and other elements: (Level AAA)

1.4.6 Configure text globally (AAA): The user can globally set all of the following characteristics of visually rendered blocks of text: (Level AAA)

[Internal Note: In thinking about short handles for these, I looked at what WCAG did with aspects in different SC, e.g.: 1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum) (Level AA), 1.4.6 Contrast (Enhanced) (Level AAA) and some other things, but none that cover 3 levels. Above has (A, AA, AAA) for simplicity. I can help come up with words if you would prefer.]


Internal Implementation Notes