UAAG2 Action 874: location in hierarchy including possibly to check in with simon

Hi Simon,

At the F2F, I took action 874 Look at 2.5.1 location in hierarchy including possibly to check in with simon. (

There are a couple of issues with this SC:

(1) it's in Guideline 2.5 - Provide structural navigation, but it doesn't actually require any navigation. Rather, it requires some implicit info to be made explicit, so I think it might be a better fit under: Guideline 1.10 - Provide element information. This will also provide an opportunity to distinguish it from 1.10.2.

(2) I think reference to the " platform accessibility services" makes the SC harder to test.

Therefore, I propose to move the SC to 1.10.X and reword as follows:

1.10.X Location in Non-Document Hierarchy: If the user agent presents a hierarchical rendering of information that is not represented as a hierarchy in the DOM, the user can determine the path of hierarchy nodes going from the root element to the currently focused or selected node. (AA)

2.5.1 Location in Hierarchy: When the user agent is presenting hierarchical information, but the hierarchy is not reflected in a standardized fashion in the DOM or platform accessibility services, the user can view the path of nodes leading from the root of the hierarchy to a specified element. (AA)

EXISTING 1.10.2 (for comparison):
1.10.2 Access to Element Hierarchy: The user can determine the path of element nodes going from the root element of the element hierarchy to the currently focused or selected element. (Level AAA)

Simon: Does this still match your original intent?


Received on Tuesday, 10 September 2013 19:09:38 UTC