included / excluded technologies

I think that the important progress is being made on the conformance section relative to the platform issue (hardware/software). This is a separate but related thread.

It seems to me that the included and excluded technologies should come under one heading -- perhaps a heading called something like "scope of web content technologies rendered." However I think that it is worth considering where such heading should be placed and also what its subheadings should be named.

I welcome feedback on any of the following options.

A. Put as subheadings under platform

This may not make sense but I want to mention it. Is it possible that "included technologies" should be a subheading under "platform"? Is there any sense that the "included web content technologies" are part of the "platform" (hardware and software) that the UA depends on (or uses as a host)? If the answer is Yes, then perhaps additional sections under platform be included web content technologies and excluded technologies.

Changed part:
6. Platform
[Whatever results from our discussion plus:]
Scope of web content technologies rendered.
                a. Included technologies
                b. Excluded technologies

Of course one would need to examine the intended meaning of "included" and "excluded." I am supposing that reference would be to being included in or excluded from the platform (rather than the user agent).

B. Scope-of-web-content-rendered as separate from both the platform and the UA that is the subject of the claim

Below is yet a different organization. Here I use the terms "targeted web content technologies" and "non-targeted web content technologies."


Start out same as before:
1. Claimant name and affiliation.
2. Date of the claim.
3. Conformance level satisfied.
4. User agent information

Changed part:
5. Platform [whatever results from our discussion]
6. Scope of web content technologies rendered [By the way, do they actually have to be "web" content technologies. Do we need to specify web?]
        a. Content technologies relied upon [Enumerate all that are used to satisfy the claimed conformance level]
        b. Content technologies not relied upon [Identify one or more that are not used to satisfy the claimed conformance level. This section could be used to identify web content technologies that are not supported. It could also be used to identify web content technologies that are used to satisfy success criteria that pertain to levels that are higher than the claimed level (though I am not sure that is likely). I am thinking that this section should be optional.]

Basically the same as before:
7. Declarations: For each success criterion: A declaration of whether or not the success criterion has been satisfied; or a declaration that the success criterion is not applicable and a rationale for non-applicability.

Received on Thursday, 21 March 2013 23:32:02 UTC