Spreadsheet with testing columns

Take a look at these and see if they're what you'd like to work with. I've included the form in both Excel 2003 and ODF Spreadsheet versions, and also the HTML version of the SC table. These are all based on the 23 May 2013 draft (ED-UAAG20-20130523).

For each major browser and "Other User Agents" there are two columns, one allowing a drop-down list box of testing results, and the second for notes and explanations. To enter data into the Results column, use Alt+Down or click on the drop-down arrow in order to display a list of valid result strings. Of course we can easily tweak that list of strings. I've set them to:

  * Compliant by default
  * Compliant with configuration changes
  * Compliant with available software
  * Not Applicable due to only being a component
  * Not Applicable due to constrained input set
  * Not Applicable due to platform constraints
  * Not Applicable due to limited output modalities
  * Fails but documented techniques allow third party solutions
  * Fails without undocumented or unsupported techniques
  * Fails, not compliant at all
  * Unclear or disputed

The spreadsheets have Fast Filtering enabled so you can easily hide all rows except for the SC by choosing "h3" from the drop-down list box in the Type column heading.


Received on Friday, 7 June 2013 18:32:22 UTC