Minutes of Teleconference of 9 May 2013


Text of Minutes


       [1] http://www.w3.org/

                                - DRAFT -

     User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Teleconference

09 May 2013

    See also: [2]IRC log

       [2] http://www.w3.org/2013/05/09-ua-irc


           Eric, Greg_Lowney, Jan, Jeanne, Kim_Patch, kford,





      * [3]Topics
          1. [4]Timelines for the charter
          2. [5]Scheduling a subgroup to work on implementations
             for level A
          3. [6]Definition for levels
          4. [7]Testing sub-group
          5. [8]scheduling a Face to Face
      * [9]Summary of Action Items

    <trackbot> Date: 09 May 2013

    <kford> survey:

      [10] https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/36791/20130430/

Timelines for the charter



    <scribe> scribe: Greg

    JS: Tried to summarize conversation of last week and convert to



    JS: Each 3 day F2F is estimated to reduce the timeline to CR by
    about 3 months.


      [13] http://www.w3.org/WAI/UA/2013/draft_uawg_charter.html

    JS: (The milestones haven't yet been updated in that document.)
    ... This gives us a year to push and get ready to start
    ... Needs people to review this proposed timeline: FPWD
    2008-03, LC 2013-07, CR 2015-05, PR 2016-04, Rec 2016-06.

    SH: Surprised, thought we were closer to the end. How does this
    compare with other projects like ATAG?

    JS: Comparable to other WAI standards, but slower than many
    non-WAI standards.

    JR: Agreed, but WAI work has a different dynamic than other
    standards, because companies trying to promote something to
    standard can throw larger amounts of resources at it.

    JS: Also, often technical standards have less non-technical
    factors to consider.

    SH: How much are we expected to change things after last call?
    Worried that people comment and then we seem to redesign the
    guidelines from scratch.

    JS: Complicated issue, but once we got to last call we're
    staying we think we're done. We should have been getting
    feedback from companies etc. all along, but in reality we
    haven't. Will they continue to ignore it, or will they
    seriously look at it only at that point and overwhelm us with
    new (later) feedback?
    ... We hope to make as few changes as possible after last call.
    Jan has done fantastic job of expediting ATAG comments, but
    they do take time.

    KF: Big concern is depending on both F2Fs happening to make the
    progress we're committed to. Any other way to shorten the
    conversations we have?

    JS: Perhaps, but we need buy-in from everyone.
    ... If we don't get a lot of comments, we could be done much
    faster than this timeline.

    JR: Thinks this timeline is ambitious, definitely not slow.
    ... CR is pretty far along. The point of this is to align
    thinking of browsers on what should be done in browsers, so
    schedule of getting to Rec is less important.

    JS: Would like to send UAAG SC to groups discussing specific
    browser behaviors, like maintaining point of regard, but has
    more weight if it's CR.

    SH: If everything goes more smoothly, can we proceed faster
    than this?

    JS: Certainly.

    GL: Do we have to give warning before moving up the deadlines?

    JS: No requirements around that.

    KF: Hope that we can get done a lot sooner.

    General agreement that we can live with this, and hope to get
    done sooner.

    <kford> Resolved: Group agrees to Jeanne's proposal

    <jeanne> Resolution: Groups agrees to the proposed timelines
    for the charter.

Scheduling a subgroup to work on implementations for level A

    KF: Hearing concern about number of Level A SC.

    JS: Looking for help filling out priority sheet, with just the
    column of how many implementations exist. This is Judy's
    suggestion for dealing with the number of Level A's we have,
    being able to point out that some high percentage are already
    implemented in the marketplace. However, our column is only
    about half filled out at this point.
    ... Would people be available before next call, say 10 AM EST
    or Monday or Friday afternoons?

    <jeanne> Friday (tomorrow 10th at 1:00 EDT)

    Jan, Kelly, and Greg can join Jeanne at 1 PM EST tomorrow.

    GL: Logistics for bridge, IRC?

    <jeanne> Code tomorrow will be 82942

Definition for levels



    JS: Emailed proposal for action 827 about proposal for
    definitions of levels. Greg sent email with good comments.
    ... Didn't have much time to work on this but discussed briefly
    with Greg this morning.
    ... Greg pointed out that the language used in defining the
    levels would leave out some SC.
    ... Added the sentence "To avoid over-complication, the various
    combinations of factors were separated into 3 levels:"
    ... For Level A, changed "and" to "and/or" to make it more
    ... Forwarding to the list the document that Greg emailed her.



    The six factors, summarized:

    1. How important is it for accessibility?

    2. Will compliance hurt or inconvenience any population? (If
    the feature is significantly detrimental to some users, ensure
    it is worded so they can avoid it, or make it a recommendation
    rather than a requirement.)

    3. Is it always possible? (If it is not always possible, be
    sure to include appropriate exceptions in the wording, or else
    make it a recommendation rather than a requirement.)

    4. Can it be objectively measurable? (If it cannot be
    objectively measured at reasonable expense, it should be a
    recommendation rather than a requirement.)

    5. How difficult is it to implement? (If it is so difficult or
    costly that it would have a severe detrimental effect on the
    company or other users, consider making it a recommendation
    rather than a requirement.)

    6. When is compliance likely? (If we cannot expect at least two
    products to comply in a reasonable time frame, make it a
    recommendation or future requirement. If it is already
    widespread enough to be expected, and the other criteria are
    met, consider making it a requirement even if is not of high

    EH: Responded in last week's survey and proposed rewording,
    which should be taken into account.


      [16] https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/36791/20130430/results

    GL: The document has good wording on factors taken into
    account, but would need significant editing to create summary
    paragraphs for each level.

    <jeanne> Eric's proposal:

    <jeanne> The three levels of UAAG2 conformance (described
    above) are based on based on the level (A, AA, or AAA)
    designations of the more than 100 success criteria (i.e.,
    specific requirements). The description of each success
    criterion in this document shows that designation. In making
    these designations, the UAWG considered both the impact of the
    success criterion of individuals with disabilities as well

    <jeanne> as the likely degree of technical challenge in
    satisfying the success criteria.

    <jeanne> ... The level A designation was given to success
    criteria for which failure to satisfy would block access for
    one or more groups of individuals with disabilities. [Eric
    comment: Isn't the blocking of access for level A SCs much more
    essential aspect than technical challenge? If seems to me that
    while some of the level A SCs "are relatively minor for
    developers to solve", others are not. In a sense,

    <jeanne> if it would block access we do we really care if it is
    hard or easy to solve?]

    <jeanne> ... The level AA designation was given to success
    criteria where failure to satisfy would make access difficult
    for one or more disability groups and where the technical
    challenge in satisfying would be moderate or easier.

    <jeanne> ... The level AA designation was given to success
    criteria where failure to satisfy would make access difficult
    for one or more disability groups and where the technical
    challenge in satisfying would likely be large.

    EH: Thought Level A could focus entirely on impact, ignoring
    difficulty of implementation. Level AA would present
    difficulties for some users but would require moderate or less
    level of effort, while AAA would present difficulties but would
    be a major effort to address. Trying to simplify it a bit.

    GL: I don't think we can make things Level A if they're
    impossible for most user agents to implement, as it would
    probably end up causing the standard to be ignored.

    EH: Aren't all SC supposed to be objectively measurable,
    regardless of level?
    ... If an SC isn't testable, should perhaps be removed from the
    ... Impact plus difficulty of implementation could be the two
    key factors used in determining levels.

    JS: Proposed postponing this until next week, work on it using
    Greg's and Eric's input.

    KF: How do we get to closing this next week?

    JR: Chair's job to speak up when they feel things are getting
    out of hand.

    KF: Would really like to finish this next week. Make motivated
    effort to bring to the list of Jeanne soon if you have input.

    JR: Keep in mind it's informative only.

    GL: But last week it was pointed out if we're too specific it
    would allow level assignments to be challenged.

    JR: True. We should not bee to specific or imply the factors
    and assignment practices are objective.

    <jeanne> There are many different types of disabilities and
    different types of user agents, so the UAAG level assigned to a
    success criterion may not precisely match the definition of the
    level in all circumstances.

    EH: Jan's simpler approach might be better.

    JS: Need to define levels; Judy is always asked by governments
    how these are defined.

    JR: Very hard, which is why ATAG didn't try to do so. If you
    have strong criteria and didn't live up to them entirely, will
    get challenged.

    KF: No matter how good we are, we'll find places where we
    didn't exactly conform to our criteria, and also open up to
    people disagreeing with the criteria.

    JS: Being able to promote UAAG in the long run outweighs
    criticism in the short run.

Testing sub-group

    KF: Talked about it a few times, several people expressed
    interest, anyone feeling like leading this?

    JR: Can look like pseudo-code.

    JR is using as an example the SC on background image toggle

    <jeanne> Test 0001 Assertion: If the authoring tool contains
    editing-views that render visual time-based content, then those
    editing-views can be paused and can be set to not play

    <jeanne> If the authoring tool cannot be used to edit
    time-based content such as video, animation, animated gifs
    etc., then select SKIP

    <jeanne> If the authoring tool does not include editing views
    that render visual time-based content such as video, animation,
    animated gifs etc., then select SKIP

    <jeanne> If the renderings are non-editable, such as previews,
    then select SKIP.

    <jeanne> For each editing view that renders and plays visual
    time-based content:

    <jeanne> Load sample video (audio, animation, animated gifs

    <jeanne> If the editing view does not automatically play
    time-based content automatically, then go the next editing view
    that renders and plays visual time-based content (if any).

    <jeanne> If the authoring tool can be set to never play
    time-based content automatically AND once playing the content
    can be paused, then go the next editing view that renders and
    plays visual time-based content (if any).

    <jeanne> If the editing view is web-based and the browser can
    be used to prevent auto-play and to pause the playing content
    then go the next editing view that renders and plays visual
    time-based content (if any).

    <jeanne> Go the next editing view that renders and plays visual
    time-based content (if any).

    <jeanne> SelectPASS (all editing views must have passed)

    (The above example would be more easily understood if the
    paragraph numbers had copied and pasted.)


      [17] http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/2013/ATAG2-10April2012PublicWD-Tests

    <Jan> Test 0001 Assertion: Authors can choose from a set of
    in-market user agents for previews.

    <Jan> Determine from the user interface, online help, or
    documentation that the application provides a preview function.
    If no preview mode exists, then select SKIP.

    <Jan> Note: A preview is non-editable view of how the content
    would appear to end users of user agents.

    <Jan> If authors can specify which user agent (of those
    installed on their system that can render the content
    technology in question) is to be used to perform the preview,
    then select PASS.

    <Jan> Otherwise, select FAIL.

    JR: Did most of ATAG. Had a few tweaks but few long arguments
    about the tests themselves.
    ... Just getting people to come to meetings and attest to the
    fact they'd read the proposed tests was difficult.

    SH: Concerned that if we write the tests, then end up changing
    SC, we have to rewrite completed tests.
    ... Seems doing tests like this for our SC would be reasonable,
    it they don't have to be redone repeatedly.

    JS: Considering integrating tests into the main document so if
    we tweak an SC we can tweak the test at the same time.

    SH: Will do some tests for 1.1 in the next few weeks, to see
    how difficult it is.

    JR: Can try to find some time to identify where we can reuse
    tests already written for ATAG.

    JS: Note that all occurrences of "SKIP" will be changed to "NOT
    APPLICABLE"; it was originally written for a different tool.

scheduling a Face to Face

    JS: Everyone was going to check their schedules regarding
    second week of July.

    <jeanne> July 23-25 (Tues-Thurs)

    The group had a possible conflicts on 2nd and 3rd weeks of
    July, but considering 4th week of July.

    <sharper> [18]http://www.sigaccess.org/assets13/

      [18] http://www.sigaccess.org/assets13/

    SH: What about doing something around the ACM Assets conference
    in Seattle October 21-23?

    JS: Unfortunately that's close to the TPAC in China, where we
    hope to have a F2F.

    <jeanne> TPAC in CHina is November 10-15

Summary of Action Items

    [End of minutes]

Received on Thursday, 9 May 2013 18:43:30 UTC