Guideline 2.7 and UA Wiki

We now have a wiki for UAWG.

All group members can use it with the W3C login - the same one you use 
for surveys.  It is publicly readable, but requires a login to edit.  If 
you need assistance with the login, please let me know.

Greg, you will be happy to know (I hope) that it is MediaWiki - the wiki 
developed and used by Wikipedia.  I found it easy to use.  YMMV. Please 
let me know if there are any accessibility or other problems using it.

In preparation for the meeting today, I moved Simon's proposal on 2.7 
into the wiki so we can edit it during the meeting.

I encourage everyone working on different proposals to use it.  I hope 
it will make it easier to update the official document.


Received on Thursday, 7 April 2011 15:17:27 UTC