UAWG Action: Write a proposal to clarify and perhaps integrate 2.1.2 and 2.1.3

 From my action item...


2.1.2 At least one version: Ensure that for each user agent feature at 
least one of the following is true:
- all of the components that make up the feature implement the supported 
accessibility platform architecture(s) (i.e., provide name, role, state, 
value, description).
- the feature does not implement the supported accessibility platform 
architecture(s) but the feature's functionality is available via an 
alternative feature that does implement the supported accessibility 
platform architecture(s) and a description of the inaccessible feature 
appears in the conformance claim.


2.1.2 Name, Role, State, Value, Description: For all user interface 
components (including the user interface and rendered content), the 
name, role, state, value, description are made available via an 
accessibility platform architecture.@@more work needed@@ @@techs 
includes "visited link state"

2.1.3 Accessible Alternative: If any functionality is not supported by 
the implemented accessibility platform architecture(s), then a separate 
accessible alternative for that functionality that is supported by the 
implemented accessibility platform architecture(s) is provided and a 
description of the inaccessible functionality appears in the conformance 


Received on Thursday, 13 November 2008 14:23:33 UTC