Meeting on July 3? Please confirm

User Agent Working Group,

Are you available for a UAAG meeting tomorrow (Thursday) at 2:00 PM ET? 
Please email back to me with attending or regrets.  I will send out a 
notice with results and agenda in the morning. 

I have updated the temporary page with all the proposals for keyboard 
use to make it easier to understand (I hope.) I originally created this 
page so I could understand the proposals when all the discussion about 
them occurred in meetings before I joined the group.  I hope it makes it 
easier for you to understand all the proposals on the table and my 
attempt to integrate them all into the existing document.

For each Guideline there are 2-3 sections:

    * Existing text from the March 12 Working Draft
    * Proposed changes (if any)
    * Notes from the emails and the original text of proposals for
      reference purposes

Please be prepared to discuss these proposals.  If you cannot attend, 
please make comments to the group mailing list.


Received on Wednesday, 2 July 2008 20:58:30 UTC