Re: Techniques for repairing missing alt text?

At 09:42 AM 2002-07-06, you wrote:

>Hello UA and ER WGs,
>I'm looking for a pointer to techniques for repairing
>missing alt text in HTML. I thought we had such techs in
>the UAAG 1.0 Techniques document, but I can't find them.
>Any recommended algorithms we can point to?
>The Techniques Document does already include
>a reference to the Altifier [1].
>Thanks for any tips,

One place to start would be in what is in use in the field, see for example:


PS:  Note that the file name is also used in Lynx.


  Verbose Images
         Controls whether or not Lynx replaces the [LINK], [INLINE] and
         [IMAGE] comments (for images without ALT) with filenames of
         these images. This is extremely useful because now we can
         determine immediately what images are just decorations
         (button.gif, line.gif) and what images are important. This
         setting can also be toggled on startup via the -verbose switch.


> _ Ian
>Ian Jacobs (
>Tel:                     +1 718 260-9447

Received on Sunday, 7 July 2002 18:40:23 UTC