[Fwd: joint activity between WAI User Agent Working group and Interop project or one of the subgroups proposed:]

I have been unable to bounce this email, so I'm forwarding
it. It's from David Poehlman.

  _ Ian

-------- Original Message --------

Portions of the User agent accessibility guidelines found at:
address issues of interoperability which might benefit and be benefitted
by, some collaboration with the section 508 access forum
interoperability project sub group or one of its subgroups.  We'd like
to invite interested individuals in aditionto David <me> and Al, to
consider how we might work together and one possible opportunity to do
this could be in a joint conference call since we meet at the same time
anyway some time in the near future.

I know we are all busy now getting ready for the denver access forum
meeting coming up next week but I wanted to get this on the table for
possible discussion there and on the two groups so that we can develop a
working relationship as both projects move forward.

thoughts and comments from both lists are welcomed and encouraged.

Ian Jacobs (ij@w3.org)   http://www.w3.org/People/Jacobs
Tel:                     +1 718 260-9447

Received on Thursday, 21 February 2002 13:48:50 UTC