Re: SMIL Help


As I understand it, Explorer uses the file type to player binding that is
hosted by the operating system in "the directory."  In any directory review
window, look under View : Folder Options : File Types for more information. 
Hit 'S' and then arrow down through the S entries until you find SMIL or pass
where it alphabetically should be and isn't.

Whether you need to use the OBJECT tag is another matter.  But in Windows, the
first rule is that the file name [last thing in the URI proper, excluding any
#fragment] should end with a signature extension, in this case .smi or .smil,
for the media type.

[Yes, in HTML4 one can indicate the type of an object, but this is 'advisory'
and the player will be picked in IE according to the file extension, IIRC.]

If the user has installed a SMIL-capable tool, that tool will normally have
attempted to capture the SMIL file type for itself to be the designated player
of that type.  For example, in my case installing Real it was a no-brainer. 
There was no entry for SMIL prior to that so the registry had no conflict to
resolve or ask about.  

In any case, for platforms where the user is on Microsoft Windows as the OS,
the above is the normal process as I understand it and installing GRINS or any
other SMIL competent player (and naming files with the extensions that Windows
recognizes) should get your job done.

The OBJECT issue may be something else dealing with multimedia as a class.  I
don't know about that aspect.

Did you first play with examples available already on the Web?

You could pursue the public and developer knowledge bases at Microsoft.COM
concerning how IE implements multimedia.  It may also be helpful to review the
XHTML+SMIL profile at



At 01:23 PM 2002-02-06 , Ian B. Jacobs wrote:
>Raheel Ahmad Khan wrote:
>> Hello
>> I am having another problem with SMIL.  With internet explorer, you have
>> to use the object tag for the browser to play the smil file with the
>> specified player.  However, I want to know if there is any option where
>> the internet explorer doesn't specify a file and opens up the smil file in
>> any player that is capable of playing SMIL files.  A quick reply would be
>> greatly appreciated.  Thanks.
>I am unaware of ways to author content where the author
>specifies what piece of software should be used to render
>something at the other end.
>Thus, I interpret your question to be about IE options,
>and for those questions I suggest that you consult
>the IE documentation.
>  _ Ian
>Ian Jacobs (  
>Tel:                     +1 718 260-9447

Received on Wednesday, 6 February 2002 14:18:58 UTC