Re: User Agent Update

On Tue, 6 Mar 2001, Jon Gunderson wrote:

  6. Coordination issues
  b. Documentation: We need information on how people with disabilities are
  more dependent on documentation than people without disabilities.

The American Foundation for the Blind published some survey results from
their "advanced users" - people who are blind and know what they are doing.
Apparently almost all regularly used documentation, and almost all had
difficulties with it. Unfortunately thye moved the thing on the Web so I
don't know where it is, but it is a repeat of an earlier study done.

The basic principle doesn't seem too complex. If you can't find out where
everything is and how it interacts by looking at it, then the documentation
is your source for knowing how things work. For some tasks it is the only
source. When it isn't there or isn't accessible you're stuck. A negative
example is MouseKeys on the Apple - it is possible to get the control panel
that does it, but there is no help so I have not been able to use the
feature to do some important things. (I had to get help from Jon to figure
out how it works at all, and I don't suppose he wants to answer every user's
question every time...)


Charles McCN

Received on Tuesday, 6 March 2001 14:25:07 UTC