EO work on "How People with Disabilities Use The Web"

At 2001-04-18 14:41, Jon Gunderson wrote:
>WAI UA Telecon for April 19th, 2001
>    5.HB: Talk to EO about getting "How do people with disabilities use 
> the Web".

UA desire is to be able to reference this work and check it for coverage
of UA issues. I asked and got no time commitment to finish it.

As I reported at our last UA meeting, this remains a work in progress:
the most recent working draft is dated 2001-01-04.


We have a change log and it awaits another round of edits by Judy Brewer.

Topics currently included, illustrating issues for representative users:

         Online shopper with color blindness (user control of style sheets)

         Reporter with repetitive stress injury (keyboard equivalents for
         mouse-driven commands; access-key)

         Online student who is deaf (captioned audio portions of multimedia

         Accountant with blindness (appropriate markup of tables, 
        and acronyms; synchronization of visual, speech, and braille display)

[Note, braille display UA has soft-pedaled.]

         Classroom student with dyslexia (use of supplemental graphics;
        freezing animated graphics; multiple search options)
         Retiree with aging-related conditions, managing personal finances
        (magnification; stopping scrolling text; avoiding pop-up windows)

         Clerk with cognitive disability at an online grocery service
        (clear and simple language; consistent design; consistent navigation
        options; supplemental audio)

         Teenager with deaf-blindness, seeking entertainment (user control
        of style sheets; accessible multimedia; device-independent access;
        labeled frames; appropriate table markup)

EO is currently at work on business cases for different kinds of

Regards/Harvey Bingham

Received on Wednesday, 18 April 2001 18:16:55 UTC