******* MQ ******* Review checkpoint 4.14

I was unable to find a Speech enabled UA that conforms to this guideline

I can think of examples where some speech features are implemented, but I
don't know of any UA'S that use CSS2 style sheets.

The SAPI example is the speech engine, but the UA would have to  implement
the features.
Arkenstone's OpenBook is the closest example that I can think of.  The
problem with OpenBook, is that it isn't an internet browser, and doesn't use
style sheets.

   4.14 Allow the user to configure synthesized voice gender, pitch,
          pitch range, stress, richness, and control of spelling,
          punctuation, and number processing according to the full range
          of values offered by the speech synthesizer. [Priority 2]
          (Checkpoint 4.14)
          Note: This list of voice characteristic properties is based on
          the list in section 19.8 of Cascading Style Sheets Level 2
          [CSS2]. Ranges of values for these properties may vary among
          speech synthesizers.

          + Use synthesized speech mechanisms provided by the operating
          + Implement the voice characteristic properties of CSS 2:
            'voice-family', 'pitch', 'pitch-range', 'stress', 'richness',
            ([CSS2], sections 19.8 and 19.9).
          + One example of a speech API is Microsoft's Speech Application
            Programming Interface [SAPI].

******* Mickey Quenzer *******

Received on Thursday, 9 November 2000 11:58:33 UTC