Re: netscape keybindings section

9:39 AM 22-11-99 -0500, Ian Jacobs wrote:
>Jon Gunderson wrote:
>> Ian,

>> navigation techniques for access the help system to show where there are
>> some other problems with NN.

>I don't think we should indicate that there are problems with NN
>in the Techniques doc.
>- Ian

Indeed the Techniques should be much like a Tutorial of how to do what must
be done that few knew before. Like Gregory J. Rosmaita I feel the bar is way
too low (with very few notable exceptions) so UA should give great examples
to remedy that. If improvement isn't evident in a year a problems Group
should list every mis-que!


->"It has been said the pebbles can't stop the avalanche, guess the pebbles
didn't have access to the Web!"

Received on Monday, 22 November 1999 10:40:30 UTC