Techniques for checkpoint 10.7

Techniques for checkpoint 10.7

Make it easy to use the most frequently requested commands. In particular,
provide convenient mappings to functionalities that promote accessibility
such as navigation of links.

Techniques for checkpoint 10.8

Allow multiple icon sizes (big, small, other sizes).

Allow the user to choose icons and/or text

Allow the user to change the grouping of icons

Allow the user to change the position of control bars, icons, etc. Do not
rely solely on drag-and-drop for reordering tool bar; the user must be able
to configure the user interface in a device-independent manner (e.g.,
through a text-based profile).

*******              Mickey Quenzer            *******
******* Productivity Works Technical Support   *******
*******    Phone: 253-475-3811                 ******* 
*******    Email: {}    *******
******* WWW SITE: {}        *******
******* PWWebspeak ssil support:  *******
******* {} *******

Received on Tuesday, 16 November 1999 11:03:55 UTC