Comments on UA Techniques 19990827

Comment notation
     Reference by section.subsection
     ?in question?
     [hb: reason for change]

2. No mention of XML family of languages, SMIL Boston,
even as futures. Suggest that these at least be

3.1.1 last sentence: For alt, XIX _one_ can also look ...

3.3.1 bullet 1:   ...turn XofX_off_

Para 6   ?Period? page refresh ...
      do you mean Periodic?, or After an author-specified
      interval? I expect you mean the latter

3.5.1 Bullet 3  For active elements, ?one way or two way?.
      Do you mean links with rev and rel? or forward/back?
      or prior/next?

Direct navigation Para 1 end:   ?Mnemonics and Accelerators?
      Do these relate to accesskeys? Mnemonics are short
      name forms to me. Do you mean for these to be the
      underlined letter in a menu?

bullet 3  Access by element content ?(e.g., first letter)?
      Do you mean position to first letter of an element
      that can contain textual content? By searching for
      that initial letter, as if a regular expression /^z/?
      You can't mean first letter of element name.
      Presumably you expect the next such occurrence, in
      specifiable forward or back direction. Search scope
      is only current document.

3.5.2 Navigation of document structure
bullet 3  May use commonly understood document models
rather than strict DTD navigation. E.g., _properly_
nesting headers in HTML. _Headers should be used only
to convey beginning of hierarchy, not visual effect._

3.5.3 Table Navigation

Para 2: Users of non-graphical rendering technologies and
users with learning disabilities, when browsing a page,
should be able to quickly determine the nature of a
table located on a page. The Xable-bodied user is able
to visually examine the table and extractX_visual examination of
a table presentation permits extraction of_ a sense of
the table contents with a quick scan of the cells. ...
Providing table summary information, when first moving
the point-of-regard to a table allows the nature of a
table to be easily determined. _That information is
available by reading the summary attribute value
on the table, and expanded in the table title attribute
value. A table caption may provide further information._

     Avoid the "able-bodied" when you mean seeing.

Para 4, 5, 6  You use "burrow" and "pop". The latter
     is normally the reverse of "push" as in stack
     management, particularly to the user agent designer
     audience. Since your use of pop implies a reverse
     stack, back into the table cell.
     Possible pairing for "burrow" are "climb out", or
     "emerge" that avoid push/pop.

Para 8 When rendering tabular information, the fact that
it is tabular information should be apparent. For a
graphical user agent, such information is commonly made
obvious by the border attribute _or by visually apparent
aligned white space between columns_. However, for a
non-graphical agent, such information must also be made

Para 9 As the user agent shifts the point of regard to
a table, it should first provide information about the
entire table. This information might be the Caption,
Title, or Summary information of the table_, or a
synthesized table summary_. Access to this information
would allow the user to determine whether or not to
examine the contents of the table, or to move the
point of regard to the next block of content.

Para 11 In order to provide access to contextual
information for individuals using non-graphical
browsers, or for individuals with certain types of
learning disabilities, it is necessary for the user
agent to allow the point of regard to be moved from
cell to cell, both right/left and up/down via keyboard
commands. _At the beginnings and ends of rows or columns,
give warning, before continuing._ ?Where should the
continuation go? next/prior cell?

3.5.4 Searching

Add bullets for DOM tree walking?
     * next sibling
     * prior sibling
     * parent
     * end of current element

3.6 Context and orientation
general question: why are not checkpoint lists in
ascending order? Is there some attempt to order them
by priority?

3.8.1 User profiles
Para 1 & 2: agreement of number:

XA cX_C_onfiguration profiles allow _individual_ users to save their user 
agent settings and re-apply them easilyX, whichX_. This_ is particularly 
valuable in an environment where several people may use the same machine.

The user_x_ should be able to easily transfer their profiles between 
installations of the same user agent. One way to facilitate this is to 
follow operating system conventions for profiles where applicable.

bullet 2:  [hb: unnecessary person classification]
* XA user with a disabilityX_One user_ is being helped by 
Xable-bodiedX_another_ user who may not recognize the information being 
displayed using the user's profile.

8.2.3 2nd edit note:  add to list ... keys far apart. ?with regular
keyboard or specially enlarged one?

3.8.3  last para. ...(_CD-ROM, _diskette,...)

3.9.1 2nd bullet: Table of contents_._ ...

3.9.2  Accessible documentation.  Is this the place to mention or link
to the U.S. Federal requirement for this in August 2000?  I reference
the EITAAC Report May 12, 1999

That has different content than the link to EITAAC on the trace site:
     Desktop Software Standards in the bibliography: 

last paragraph ... "XClick onX_Select_" ...   [hb: I don't believe we want
to encourage visually required positioning. Isn't this the deprecated
"Click Here"]

4.1 System conventions

?Are accesskeys always case insensitive?

4.1.1 Some guidelines for specific platforms
?New JAVA release with better accessibility?

4.2 first bullet:   ...must be operX-Xable ... emulation.)X.X
fourth bullet:  ...UA in Xan X_a noisy or silent _environment...

4.3 first bullet   ...Windows 95/_98_/NT ...

last para: a way XwhichX_that_ ...

4.5 Information for assistive technologies

?Include CSS2-ACSS? ?Is anyone supporting it?

5 Support for HTML accessibility

new first bullet:
     Support for the "alt" attribute defined for Img and Imagemap
     [Priority 1]
bullet 1. Support the "longdesc" attribute defined for IMG elements ([HTML 
4.0], section 13.2). This attribute may be used to attach additional 
descriptive information to images _if the alt="description" is 
insufficient_. [Priority 1]

5.1 bullets 1 & 7 need final _._

----  That's all for now ----

Regards/Harvey Bingham


Received on Wednesday, 8 September 1999 12:01:19 UTC