Checkpoint: Forms without user-addressable SUBMIT mechanisms

Aloha, again!

On second thought, I do think that the second technique for
my proposed Checkpoint 10.x does need to be a checkpoint, in
which the accessibility issues presented  by what I -- for
lack of a better term -- call "forms without user-addressable 
SUBMIT mechanisms", is addressed.  Note that what I consider 
optional terminology is demarcated by braces. (NOTE: The 
reference for this proposal is the 11 August 1999 draft.)

  If the submission of a {single field} form is achieved
  via a script or an HTML4 event handler, prompt the user
  for confirmation before submitting the form content.
  1. Allow the user to configure the user agent. Choices
  should include:
     "Never Submit Without Asking"
     "Always Submit Without Asking"
     "Prompt Before Submitting Form Content"
  The default setting should be: "Prompt before submitting
  form content", so as to allow the user to decide whether
  or not HTML4 event handling will occur automatically.
  2. Configuration can be determined by prompting the user
  the first time an event handled or script-driven FORM is
  encountered.  Choices should include:
     "Do Not Submit"
     "Never Submit Without Asking"
     "Always Submit Without Asking"
     "Always Prompt Before Submitting Form Content"
  If the user chooses "Prompt Before Submitting Form
  Content", this prompt could be recycled in an abbreviated
  fashion.  The prompt should include
     "Submit "
     "Do Not Submit"
  and (if possible) enable the user to save his or her
  choice as the default setting (a "Do not ask me again"


He that lives on Hope, dies farting
     -- Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack, 1763
Gregory J. Rosmaita <>
   President, WebMaster, & Minister of Propaganda, 
        VICUG NYC <>

Received on Wednesday, 18 August 1999 00:02:25 UTC