Change notification issues


As per my action of the 9 June teleconference [1], the 
group is invited to discuss two issues involving communication
between desktop user agents and assistive technologies raised
by a proposal from Charles [2]. This email does not include 
a proposal, but is meant to continue the discussion begun 
during the teleconference.

1) What requirements should there be on desktop user agents
   to notify assistive technologies of changes to the document?
   Some ideas:

   a) Basic notification: "The document has changed"
   b) Notification with information about where the change
   c) What changes should be part of notification, e.g.
      selection, style, etc.?
   d) What about changes that were triggered by
      interaction through the AT?

2) What requirements should there be 
   on ATs to make these changes known to the user?

   a) Should the user be able to configure the AT for 
      the amount of notification they want?

   b) What information should be made available to the user?
      All changes? All rendered changes (only)? 

 - Ian


Ian Jacobs (
Tel/Fax:                     (212) 684-1814

Received on Wednesday, 9 June 1999 17:00:36 UTC