Re: REVISED PROPOSAL: Checkpoints for navigation

In Charles' action item Tue, 4 May 1999 00:21:58 -0400 (EDT) 

[As applied to list of headers, or list of links:] 

>Common cursor keys 

>up or left arrow next header in list 
>down or right arrow previous header in list 
>home first header in list 
>end last header in list 
>page down move N header forward in the list 
>page up move N header backwards in the list 
>letter keys move to the next header that starts with that letter 
>enter key move focus to header in the document

I'd rather save up and down for moving to parent or first child
respectively, and not pre-commit them here. I believe that will be
important for DOM walking.


Received on Wednesday, 5 May 1999 11:53:32 UTC