Point of Regard [Was: Re: more on braille as the only output]

Denis Anson wrote:
> Claus,
> In my additions to the keyboard navigation issue, I pointed out that the
> current UA guidelines refer to focus and selection, but need another "point"
> in the document, which I called "point of regard."  (I think I got that term
> from Greg Lowney, at Microsoft.)  The point of regard is the part of a
> document currently being attended to by the user.  This is somewhat
> different than an insertion point in that insertion into a web document
> doesn't make sense.


We discussed "point of regard" in the teleconference this week 
(I don't see the minutes yet online) and I confess, I did not grasp
why it was being discussed. It was proposed as a superset of
selection + focus and I didn't see the utility.

However, the same question came to me as I have been editing
the guidelines: how do we identify what the the user is
currently "looking at/hearing/touching"? When we say the user agent
should be able to identify which cell the user "is in", what does "is
in" mean? The same applies to frames (although user agents seem to
provide a way to select a "current" frame). 

"Point of regard" as you describe above is something I feel we *must*
define in this document.

 - Ian

Ian Jacobs (jacobs@w3.org) 
Tel/Fax: (212) 684-1814 

Received on Saturday, 17 October 1998 16:50:56 UTC