Re: A scenario

How about a scenario like this?  A blind student has to register for
a class via the web.  The registration web page has multiple forms.
In addition, two different submit buttons are provided towards the beginning
of each form for different actions.  Also, each form has a link to a help
web page for that particular form.

What features would be helpful for the blind student to choose the correct
form, fill it out and then submit it?

Which features should be in the browser and which supported by third party
accessibility software?


> I'd like to offer the senario in more detail.  In my experience, if you
> are tabbing through a form and the input requires more than one form, you
> should be able to go smoothly from one form to annother which is now not
> often the case.  The biggest problem with the gui as I see it where forms
> are concerned is finding out exactly what to click on to submit them.  to
> answere the question, I use my screenreader to look at the lay out of the
> page and this can change for the screenreader depending on what is
> hilighted to determine where I need to go and what I need to do to get the
> form datta entered.
> some of what I'm attempting to construct here though changes from page to
> page and different gui browsers but it is essentially up to the user of
> the screenreader to get as much data as possible by exploration.  this may
> be mittigated by the adoption of guidelines which support keyboard
> ability to move from field to field and from form to form.
> in our current draft, this may already be incorporated depending on what
> terms we use to describe the elements for which keyboard support is
> requested.
> for instance, is it possible that headers separate forms?  is it possible
> that a formfield can be enterpretted as a link?  Lynx in its current
> flavors solves this problem quite nicely by allowing formfields to be
> numbered. 
> My last tip here again is that a good search fascility can help with this.
> I often search for the form after having made myself aware of it through
> use of my screenreader.  by doing this with a good search tool, we can be
> placed exactly where we need to be in each instance.

Received on Wednesday, 11 March 1998 12:36:41 UTC