Re: Chromebook large print scientific calculator

I am a Chromebook user at home, and I often prefer browser zoom around
125%. (As a person with ADHD, it seems to reduce visual stimulation and
distractions for me.) I've found that browser zoom works in Chrome web
store apps by pressing Ctrl and = key.

After installing the first scientific calculator that comes up, from, it appears usable at up to 300% browser zoom with a pointing
device on my 1366 x 768 physical screen.

This is verging off-topic for the WAI list, so please email me directly if
you want to troubleshoot in more detail.

On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 6:41 AM Dominique Neebe <> wrote:

> Good morning,
> Anyone have a suggestion for a large print scientific calculator on chrome
> books? Anytime we try to enlarge or use magnification, they don’t work with
> the scientific calculators since the scientific calculator extensions are
> alway a separate window that can’t be enlarged.
> All suggestions are greatly appreciated! Happy Friday!
> -Dominique
> --

Mitchell Evan
+1 (510) 375-6104

Received on Saturday, 3 February 2018 19:47:37 UTC