AInspector Sidebar 1.1.1 released for Firefox

I am pleased to announce AInspector Sidebar 1.1.1 extension for Firefox is now available.

An important feature of release 1.1.1 is fixing the “Inspect Element” feature that was broken by an undocumented change in a Firefox.
The Inspect Element button now works as expected.

Mozilla Add-ons page:


Additional changes in AInspector Sidebar 1.1 include updating the evaluation library to OpenAjax Version 1.1, the following is a summary:
1.       HTML Element Rule Changes

     *   Replace b and i elements (HTML 1): Removed rule from both rulesets, b and i elements are defined in HTML5 and have there own unique semantics.
2.       Keyboard Rule Changes

     *   Widgets must have keyboard support required by their roles (Keyboard 1): Has been changed to only generate manual checks.
3.       Layout Rule Changes

     *   Layout tables must have meaningful sequence (Layout 1): Updated purpose messaging to help make rule requirements clearer.
     *   Verify aria-flowto supports reading order (Layout 3): Added new rule to verify reflow of content.
4.       Landmark Rule Changes

     *   All content must be contained in landmarks (Landmark 2): Updated rule to not include the element imput[type="hidden"].
5.       Widget Rule Changes

     *   Verify live region is appropriate (Widget 14): Added new rule to verify the use of live regions.

NOTE:  FAE 2.0 and AInspector Sidebar are designed to work together to help people understand the accessibility of their web resources:

More information on FAE 2.0 can be found:

Jon Gunderson, Ph.D.
Accessible IT Group
Disability Resources and Education Services
College of Applied Health Sciences
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Received on Monday, 19 June 2017 18:54:44 UTC