RE: Grid and aria-owns question

"I am trying to construct a simple data table"

If this is the case, then role="table" should be used in combination with role="cell" for this purpose, since role="grid" plus role="gridcell" is meant to be an interactive construct.

E.G Table

As opposed to Grid

Bryan Garaventa
Accessibility Fellow
SSB BART Group, Inc.
415.624.2709 (o)

From: Lars Holm Sørensen []
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2017 7:40 AM
Subject: Grid and aria-owns question

Hello WAI list

I am trying to construct a simple data table, from some list data by applying role="grid", role="row", role="columnheader", role="gridcell" and aria-owns.

In my simple example I try to construct a grid with 2 columns and 3 rows. Column 1 for fruits and column 2 for vegetables.
The first row is a header row and then follows two rows with data.

When testing with Jaws I get the expected result in Chrome. A grid with 2 columns and 3 rows and I can navigate it using the Jaws table navigation keys.

However in IE and FF I get different results.

They both show the header row perfectly.

Then follows two rows where each row only has a single column, but still in that single column it reads the data from both column 1 and column 2.

Then follows four columns, each showing data from one of the four gridcells.

Here comes the Jaws output from going through the grid by just pressing down arrow IN ff:

grid with 2 columns and 5 rows
Apple Potato
Banana Cucumber
grid end

Here comes the code:

<div role="grid" aria-readonly="true">

<!-- The header row. -->
<div role="row">
<li role="columnheader">Fruits</li>
<li role="columnheader">Vegetables</li>
<!-- eof header row-->

<!-- Add content to row one in the accessibility tree by using aria-owns.-->
<div role="row" id="row1" aria-owns="row1_col1 row1_col2"></div>

<!-- Add content to row to in the accessibility tree by using aria-owns.-->
<div role="row" id="row2" aria-owns="row2_col1 row2_col2"></div>

<!-- The two lists with the data we want to go into the grid.-->
<ul   id="col1">
<li role="gridcell" id="row1_col1">Apple</li>
<li role="gridcell" id="row2_col1">Banana</li>

<ul  id="col2">
<li role="gridcell" id="row1_col2">Potato</li>
<li role="gridcell"  id="row2_col2" >Cucumber</li>

<!-- eof grid-->

Do you have any ideas why it doesn't  work the way I expect it to in IE and FF?

Am I using aria-owns in an inappropriate way?

Best regards:
Lars Holm Sørensen

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Lars Holm Sørensen
Diversa ApS
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Received on Friday, 28 April 2017 21:56:55 UTC