An actual answer? Re: plain/simple/easy language variant subtag

Hi Tobias,

For now I don't think a -simple tag is the right answer. You should choose  
a more formally defined variant of "simple language", such as your  
proposed -fecrb1 or -FKncaid, or something, use that, and tell people what  
you are doing and why.

Not everyone understands FERC, and it isn't perfect. But there are  
millions of people who have at least some sense of it, across a number of  
languages. So it is probably as good a starting point as any.


On Fri, 18 Sep 2015 22:34:25 +0500, Tobias Bengfort  
<> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 17/09/15 23:03, Jim Tobias wrote:
>> For now we can only rely on what authors do both in terms of
>> addressing the cognitive skills and needs of as wide a user base as
>> possible (given the purpose of the author's effort) and in terms of
>> giving users some choices. They know or should know their audience
>> and the domain so why not focus on assistance to authors? Giving them
>> markup and an explanation is eminently feasible.
> As an author my impression is that markup is missing for this topic. For
> example, I currently work on a website where there should be "simple
> translations" of content. I do not know how to semantically encode this
> relation.
> My approach was to treat this as just another translation which lead me
> to the question which language tag I should use for it. So I contacted
> and started a discussion there.
> I understand that there is no one-size-fits-all solution, so my idea was
> to register a "-simple" subtag as a first step that can later be
> complemented with more specific subtags. Do you think I should continue
> with this effort? Would this improve the current situation? Or should
> there first be more discussion?
> tobias

Charles McCathie Nevile - web standards - CTO Office, Yandex - - - Find more at

Received on Saturday, 19 September 2015 10:34:24 UTC