RE: Accessible Testing Protocol for Mobile Website

>. . . Just wondering if your comments/actions match to WCAG2

Yes absolutely! 
Accessibility SME engineers have built initial spreadsheets* (a.k.a. the 
framework) that map the individual "native app* and *mobile web* testing 
procedures (checks) 
        by WCAG 2.0 Level A and Level Double A Success Criteria (often 
multiple checks per success criteria)
        by platform and version (iOS, Android, and Windows desktop)
        by one of our three testing approaches: 
                AVT 1=semi automated using automated checking tools (which 
tool is part of the matrix), 
                AVT 2= with assistive technology (e.g VoiceOver, TalkBack, 
JAWS, etc.)
                AVT 3=manual SME inspection (using tool bars, dev tools, 
effective simulators where appropriate, etc.)
the "coordinated approach" should be part of one of the WAI working 
group's charter, if not then it needs to be added, perhaps to the 
Evaluation & Repair Working Group.

Remembering I'm talking about testing at the end of mobile app development 
accessibility verification testing, as in conformance testing (a.k.a. 
complaince testing), not end user research with real people with 
disabilities used in evaluating design alternatives.  If you're not doing 
both during the app's life cycle, then you're only doing half the job.

* spreadsheets themselves and mapping to rules and algorythims are 
considered intellectual property.
Phill Jenkins, 
IBM Accessibility

Received on Thursday, 5 February 2015 21:11:04 UTC