SC 3.3.4

Hi all,

I need your advice on SC 3.3.4. (Error Prevention). I have been discussing this SC with a client who says that due to technical limitations they can't implement a review screen and let users edit data before they submit a multi-step purchasing form. Form validation is implemented at all steps of the purchasing flow, hence they satisfy the "Checked" requirement listed under SC 3.3.4 :

"Checked: Data entered by the user is checked for input error and the user is provided an opportunity to correct them."

I still believe that a review screen that allows users to check and correct information is the best solution. However, would a website that does not have a review screen but checks for input errors on each form of a purchasing process satisfy SC 3.3.4?

Thank you.

Emanuela Gorla

Received on Monday, 27 April 2015 09:49:42 UTC