Ignore HTML elements in mobile devices

Dear Colleagues,

I'm new in accessibility, so, I'm sorry if my question is too basic. How can i ignore an element, for example, a image, in screen readers for mobile devices (VoiceOver or TalkBack). Sometimes we need to ignore element used just to style the page, so I need something similar tabindex=“0” but for touch events.

Best regards,

Rodrigo Prestes Machado
Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia - Câmpus Porto Alegre
Endereço: Sala 708, Rua Cel. Vicente, 281, Centro, Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil, CEP: 90.030-040
Site: http://www.inf.poa.ifrs.edu.br/~rodrigo
Telefone: +55 51 3930-6043

Received on Sunday, 7 September 2014 23:18:52 UTC