Call for Review: Using WAI-ARIA in HTML Working Draft

Dear WAI Interest Group Participants,

An updated Working Draft of Using WAI-ARIA in HTML is available at:

Updates include new Fourth and Fifth rules for ARIA use. The Fourth rule of ARIA use states that authors must not use role="presentation" or aria-hidden="true" on a focusable element. The Fifth rule of ARIA states that all interactive elements must have an accessible name. Other changes to the document were made based on feedback received since the last publication.

A list of bugs resolved since the last publication is in the W3C Bug Tracker:
A marked up version of the document with differences between the current draft and the previous draft is available at:

Please file any new bugs directly into the W3C Bug Tracker:
Or send comments to the publicly archived HTML Working Group mailing list:

Using WAI-ARIA in HTML is a practical guide for developers on how to to add accessibility information to HTML elements using the Accessible Rich Internet Applications specification, which defines a way to make Web content and Web applications more accessible to people with disabilities. WAI-ARIA especially helps with dynamic content and advanced user interface controls developed with Ajax, HTML, JavaScript, and related technologies. WAI-ARIA is introduced in the WAI-ARIA Overview at <>.

*Using WAI-ARIA in HTML contains a comprehensive listing of which ARIA attributes are appropriate to use on each of the HTML5 elements*.

Working Groups:
Using WAI-ARIA in HTML is developed by the HTML Accessibility Task Force under the WAI Protocols and Formats Working Group (PFWG) and the HTML Working Group (HTML WG)

About the URI:
The first URI above goes to the latest version of the specification. The "dated" version of this Working Draft is: The difference between these URIs are explained in Referencing and Linking to WAI Guidelines and Technical Documents at:

Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your comments.
Feel free to circulate this message to other lists; please avoid cross-postings where possible.

~Shawn Henry, WAI Outreach
HTML Accessibility Task Force Co-Facilitators: Charles McCathie-Neville, Janina Sajka
HTML WG Chairs: Paul Cotton, Sam Ruby, Maciej Stachowiak
PFWG Chair: Janina Sajka
W3C Staff: Judy Brewer, Mark Sadecki, Philippe Le Hégaret, Michael Smith

Shawn Lawton Henry
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
phone: +1.617.395.7664

Received on Thursday, 26 June 2014 16:07:27 UTC