Re: How does a blind access text on a browser, Tab does not work with plain text?

Dear Ganesh,

People with visual difficulties use a software called screen reader.
This allows them to read the content on the web page. Even with this
software , when used tab key to navigate it only reads focusable
elements i.e links and form elements. The text can be read only using
up and down arrow keys. This up and down arrow keys does not work as
expected when you use only keyboard to browse.

To have a experience of a screen reader you can give it a try with
free and open source screen reader NVDA. NVDA can be downloaded from

The short-cut commands to use NVDA can be found at
Hope this helps.

On 6/15/14, Ganesh J. Acharya <> wrote:
> I was trying browsing using tab but I notice the main text is inaccessible.
> The
> tab only reached the links on the webpage. So, how are they to read the
> rest in plain text?
> --
> Sincerely,
> Ganesh J. Acharya
> Mob: +91-9323193544, Ph: +91-22-28152767
> Linkedin <> | Facebook
> <> | Twitter
> <>

Best Regards
Rakesh Paladugula

Received on Sunday, 15 June 2014 05:27:53 UTC