Re: Table summary attribute detection using the rotor

> Is it too late to reinstate the summary attribute?
Formally speaking, it's never too late to make it conforming HTML.
>> Ok, is it possible for both summary and its intended replacement to coexist then? Is not what html5 currently does to a webpage, by exposing the summary besides allowing other techniques (say aria-describedby)?

> Is not the summary simpler to implement than the suggested alternatives?
Depends what problem you're trying to solve.
>> No one in particular, but when you put it like that, is that akin to a ‘summary could be suitable where others may not be’ type problem. For example, assume a decision is made to convey table characteristics only to screen reader users and not to sighted users. Would it be okay to prescribe what developers need to do to make that table understood?

Also, please keep in mind that I am not trying to change the course
that has been set here or in the 'spec.' All I care is that the
outcome should be acceptable to the majority. And it should work.


Received on Friday, 20 January 2012 18:48:44 UTC