Who can say that a web page is accessible according to wcag?

Hello all!

I'm writing a master thesis about e-commerce and accessibility.

At this moment I need to evaluate a set of pages and assure that they 
are accessible according to WCAG 2.0 level A with sufficient techniques 
only (http://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG20/quickref/).

I found some tools show me accessibility errors (Wave, Total Validator, 
Juicy, FAE, AChecker), but none of them says that a page conforms to 
certain accessibility level.

So I have two questions:

- How can I say that a site (or a web page) does really conforms to WCAG 

- Does exist a tool or an institution that evaluates a site and assures 
some kind of conformance to accessibility requirements (like wcag)?

Thank you!
Marcelo Alberto Piazza

Received on Monday, 12 December 2011 08:44:20 UTC