RE: Success criteria 1.4.4

[Felix wrote]
> 2-Just how often do you think appearance of a horizontal scrollbar
actually occurs since widescreen displays all but eliminated 4:3 displays
from the marketplace years ago?

This is a point that I would like to discuss.  I've talked to many users
with low vision and many of us do not like the wide screen monitors.  Even
those with wide screen monitors sometimes keep the resolution at the
standard 4:3 ratio in order to keep the text larger e.g. 1024x768 and yes
800x600, etc.    I'm not sure who made the decision for the entire world
that wide screen was the solution for everyone but my vote wasn't counted.
Sure it may be good for movies and good for comparing documents side by
side but for low vision users it may not always be helpful.

It's important to understand how many users with low vision see.  Users
tend to look more closely at objects to gain greater detail.  This limits
the amount field as the person is closer to the object and thus the field
is more narrow and the viewing angle greater toward the edges.  In many
cases users with low vision may not see with binocular vision.  In these
cases the user is reading with one eye as the eyes often do not work
correctly together in cases where the eyes do work together the point of
convergence is not the same and may be to the left and right instead of
centered -- thus making the field of best vision less wide.

If you examine speed reading programs like rapidReader you will notice
that rapid rates of reading are accomplished by keeping the text in the
same location and not making the user move their eyes or head from side to
side to read the text.


Received on Monday, 22 August 2011 19:00:13 UTC