Re: site-wide markup review?


what is the hold on an independent external audit?

an audit to assess whether and to what extent  W3C is meeting the  
goals it sets?

this was apparently under-discussion at the time.



>> ). But
>> given the W3C's key role in producing the relevant specs and
>> guidelines, there's a good case for saying its own pages should be
>> subject to far higher standards of quality control than any other on
>> the Web. Best practices, leading by example and all that.
>> A good way for dealing with this would be for the W3C to instigate an
>> independent review,
> Hi Danny,
> I appreciate any offer of tools to help us maintain pages that  
> people use, and where the tool ends up lowering our costs.
> This list is one way people raise awareness about page problems, and  
> I read the list and fix the ones that we are maintaining and can be  
> fixed.
> _ Ian

Received on Tuesday, 1 February 2011 15:01:46 UTC