Re: Accessible Ads - any suggested resources?

On 11/3/08, Peter Thiessen <> wrote:
>  I'm working on putting together a plan/proposal for accessible Web ads with
>  my employer - both banners and text lists. At first glance this seams
>  straight forward - follow WCAG2 check points. Though, I suspect their may be
>  more to the structure and "politeness" of an accessible add than I can think
>  of on a whim.
>  Would anyone know of any studies/papers/blogs about accessible adds? I did a
>  preliminary search and came up with a few results but nothing really that
>  interesting/useful.

No studies and totally from the end-user perspective here :: Back ages
ago, the one thing I remember suggesting to the (unheeding) resource I
was using is that they very, argh, in your face (sorry, at loss for
words) provide multiple versions *if* they test and find their
[output] under various oh, say, doctypes, didn't conform for whatever

Yeah, like the closing tags that vary.. That's why doctypes came to
Mind.. "Nice" on this end would be something like having a vendor who,
in one quick click, accessibly offered versions whose closing tags
conformed respectively to either (X)HTML or HTML..

It's just not that hard to do and doesn't mean an excess of code..
Except in the surely existent rarest of occasions, conforming to the
strictest levels means only probably two versions, *maybe* three
because of downwards compatibility as things become less strict..?
Yes, no..?

Being open to being approached when someone has a problem implementing
one's output would be HUGE.. In the good ol' days, I think they used
to call that..... *customer service*.. :grin:

Being receptive the way you all are, you *could* carry the associated
webpages past the usually expected, extremely basic ad code [product]
and proactively turn this into a great advocacy opportunity for
encouraging more site owners to consider standards.. Would have to
balance considering that with anticipation of how much excess, maybe
even out of your realm, tech questions doing so might unexpectedly
throw your way, too, I guess.. :grin:

Good luck with your project..

Cindy Sue :)

- :: -
Celebrating Olmstead * June 22, 1999
Georgia Voices That Count, 2005
Talking Rock, GA, USA

Received on Tuesday, 4 November 2008 04:41:36 UTC