Re: WCAG Compliance - found 424 of them in English

At 15:57 2/10/2008, Ryan Jean wrote:
>Can someone give me a list of sites with the WCAG compliant logo?

> If you're just looking for sites that use or abuse the WCAG 
> conformance logos (as opposed to sites that really meet the 
> guidelines, regardless of logos), you can just do an image search. In 
> English, these icons usually have alt text like "Level A conformance 
> icon, W3C-WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0" - with some 
> variations on this theme.

Thanks for the "search tip", I did a Google image search and only found 
424 sites (or pages containing the logo) with the English alt text:

        . . . about 424 for Level A conformance icon, W3C-WAI Web Content 
Accessibility Guidelines 1.0.

notice that this includes the Double-A and Triple-A logos as well.

Phill Jenkins
IBM Research - Human Ability & Accessibility Center

Received on Thursday, 2 October 2008 17:08:03 UTC