Re: posted without comment...

Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
> Maybe we can lift the level of dialogue, respect, trust, and genuine cooperation to the point where this work becomes useful, instead of just sucking time and resources. Because it is important. 

I am all for that Chaals  - but it looks like there is a reassessment of
some ground rules that needs to take place - as the comments on the IRC
are pretty disgraceful - and to be frank I am starting to think this
whole thing is a waste of time. I care a lot about what I do and thought
the WG was a place where I could share ideas with like minded people who
have a common organizational goal. That does not seem to be the case.

There seems to be a genuine dearth of tolerance and respect that is
frankly shocking. The IRC comments reveal more in their tone than those
who are involved in the dialogue probably realise.



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