Re: More data on accesskeys (New article written Nov. 1)

On 11/2/06, Michael S Elledge <> wrote:
> Can someone let the folks at Mozilla know about this? Or can someone on
> the list repair it?

A fairly trivial Greasemonkey script could fix it by changing all of the
numeric access key attributes to their associated punctuations. For those
who don't use Firefox, Greasemonkey is an extension that lets one
automatically modify the DOM when a page loads.

I can see a few potential problems with this approach, though:

1) It requires actually going out and installing the GM extension and then
installing the script. The browser should really work as-is.

2) The punctuation mark above my 4 is a dollar sign. I tend not to stray too
far from home, but I have a feeling that my colleagues in the UK, for
instance, have something different.

3) Screen readers might not recognize the changes to the DOM, which occur
without user intervention on the client side.  Though on second thought, do
screen readers typically announce access keys, and if they did, wouldn't
"Access key: one" essentially lead to the same end result as "Access key:
exclamation point"?


Received on Thursday, 2 November 2006 16:52:01 UTC