Re: examples of sites with good accessibility

> Sometimes products are just not described adequately.  I recently purchased

I would say that this was not limited to accessibility issues and not
limited to electronic media.  The basic problem is that advertising
is not about creating a valid market in which people make informed and
rational decisions about the actual product.  For example, with consumer
electronics, you may get a few, hyped selling points, but your only chance
of finding out what the product is really like, without buying it is that
you can work out what the true brand is and that the PDF version of the
instruction manually is freely downloadable (for something as complex as
a PC, even that will only give you surface detail).

To put an accessibilty gloss on it, I was talking to the wife of an
Alzheimer's sufferer and she wanted to buy a new kettle that would
be as similar as possible in operation to the old one, to avoid the
need to learn, but that's impossible to determine from catalogues and
difficult from store displays and shop assistants no longer act as
impartial advisers.

Received on Friday, 20 October 2006 11:41:05 UTC