Re: Display: none

At 02:11 PM 3/14/2006, David Woolley wrote:

> > <div id="logohead">
> >          <img src="logo.jpg" alt="Acme Widgets" />
> >          <h1>Acme Widgets</h1>
> > </div>
>What's wrong with:
>           <h1><img src="logo.jpg" alt="Acme Widgets"></h1>

I would assume that, in the case of a browser with images turned off, 
this would display nothing.  I also have doubts that a search engine 
would index the alt as being the content of the headline; I'll poke 
around on Google for evidence of that.

My initial markup of this block was:

         <img src="logo.jpg" alt="Acme Widgets" />
         <span>Acme Widgets</span>

but my confidence wavered and I fell back to a div, perhaps unwarrantedly.


Received on Wednesday, 15 March 2006 00:23:21 UTC