Your Favorite Sites Explaining Web Accessibility

Hi folks.


I've been asked to create a list of websites that explain accessibility
for the web. The purpose of this list is to provide information to those
who know next to nil on the subject. I want to keep it short, probably
the 5 best, tops. I thought I'd ask you all what gems you like to point
people towards when the need arises.


My current three favorites are:


The W3C's Introduction to Web Accessibility

Jim Thatcher's Section 508 Tutorial
<>  and

DotNetZone's Top 10 Accessibility Blunders


Many thanks in advance for your input.


Colin Lieberman

IT Manager

Disability Rights Advocates

449 15th Street, Suite 303

Oakland California  94612

Received on Thursday, 1 December 2005 00:08:05 UTC