Re: W3C standards implementations

> Designing for the web is not so unlike designing for instruction. We might
> come closer to the goal by providing content in multiple ways to accommodate
> differences in our users.

Generally there aren't enough resources to provide content in just one
way, especially when most of the resources go into appearence.  The
result is that only the primary (glossy, IE6, 1024x768, with Flash)
version is ever properly maintained.

What tends to work better is formatting a single master document in
multiple ways (e.g. by server side XSLT transformations), but that
will tend to compromise the appearence of the "primary" version,
and so will be considered undesirable in many commercial contexts.
(It also makes WYSIWYG much more difficult - most clients believe in
the fiction that the "web" is a WYSIWYG medium.)

Received on Wednesday, 28 September 2005 20:38:13 UTC