Re: Proper description for links

> labeled "more" or "link" and having the text above that link describe
> the link.

As already said, there is a guideline for this.  However it is also
a fundamental requirement for hypertext. "more" might be OK from
a hypertext point of view, but "link" can't even be argued for on 
the basis of dumbing down - i.e. you can just about argue that
people don't understand what a link does, and hence "click *here*"
but if they know what a link is, there has to be particularly bad
styling for them to recognize "link" as a link, but not recognize
the actual text as a link.  (I don't think a completely unstyled
word "link" would, reliably, be recognized as a link.)

Received on Friday, 1 October 2004 06:48:11 UTC